Since the dawn of civilization , travelling to places was one of the most important part of human social and cultural development , which we exceedingly developed at. No doubt travelling through time has left many of our ancestors & even modern day scientists scratching their heads. Before I jump into technicalities of time travelling , let's know the physics of 'Time' ; Time is passing non-stop, and we follow it with clocks and calendars. Yet we cannot study it with a microscope and it still keeps passing. We just cannot say what exactly happens when time passes.Time is represented through change, one of the most peculiar qualities of time is the fact that it is measured by motion and it also becomes evident through motion , such as the circular motion of the moon around Earth , the passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space.
The concept of time travelling is a hot topic among many sci-fiction movies from several decades , even recent movies such as "Avengers : Endgame" perceived time travelling as travelling through quantum realm by means of Möbius strip. Similarly "Back to the future" recons time travel as use of machinery to travel to either future or past.
But Astrophysicist Dr.Ronald Mallett says he’s found a way to travel back in time - "theoretically".
He recently told CNN that he’s written a scientific equation that may help to build a working time machine. He has made a statement that he has built an actual prototype , but whether it'll do what its promised to is yet to be revealed. To understand Mallett’s machine, we need to understand the basics of Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which states that time accelerates or decelerates depending on the speed at which an object is moving.
Based on that theory, if a person was in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light, passing of time will be more slow for them than it will be for someone who remained on Earth.In essence, the astronaut can travel around space for less than a week, and when he/she returns to Earth 10 years would have passed for the people they left behind. Logically it would seem like he/she has traveled to future for the astronaut.Most physicists accept that skipping forward in time in that way is probably possible, but time traveling to the past is a whole other scenario and one Mallett thinks he could solve using lasers.
His idea for a time machine to past hinges upon another Einstein theory, the general theory of relativity. According to that theory massive objects bend space-time , an effect we perceive as gravity and the stronger gravity is, the slower time passes.
“If you can bend space, there’s a possibility of you twisting space,” Mallett told. “In Einstein’s theory, what we call space also involves time — that’s why it’s called space time, whatever it is you do to space also happens to time.”
He believes it’s theoretically possible to twist time into a loop that would allow for time travel into the past. He’s even built a prototype showing how lasers might help achieve this goal.
“By studying the type of gravitational field that was produced by a ring laser, this could lead to a new way of looking at the possibility of a time machine based on a circulating beam of light.” Mallett told CNN.
Mallet frankly agrees that his idea is completely theoretical at this point. And that even if his time machine does work, he admits it would have a severe limitation that would prevent anyone from, say, traveling back in time to kill baby Adolf Hitler.
“You can send information back,” he told CNN, “but you can only send it back to the point at which you turn the machine on.”
Whether Dr. Mallett's machine be a success or not , humanity has not abandoned its hope for travelling through time and I can certainly say that in near future Travelling to future will be a possibility not a dream.
source : Dr. Ronald Mallett's interview with CNN.