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Writer's picturePavan Kumar Sharma


First of all HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY to all the brave & strong souls out there , I am very thankful to be around such goddess's ! A day , A week or even A month is not enough to celebrate the contributions of female's in our lives..Though I am a man , I have seen the challenges faced by women in their day to day life.... & I'm proud to say that I have done what I could do to help out my mother & sister in it .

Being an Indian we'll would have heard this famous phrase from Manu-smrithi ;

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: । यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफला: क्रिया:।

Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devataha, |

yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrapalaah kriyaah |

meaning "Where Women are honored, divinity blossoms there, and where ever women are dishonored, all action no matter how noble it may be, remains unfruitful."

Even though it's a common saying that - ' no uterus , no opinion ' , let me draw a line here & tell you what I am not celebrating this women's day !!

  • I am not celebrating those women who marched on roads with #freethenipple placards & filled the social media with ' Authorized nudity ' without thinking of the effects of this on a 13 year old on instagram or any social media for that matter.

  • I am not celebrating those obese women who ignore the possible health conditions , make it okay to be fat for everyone who's insecure about their body & call it #iambettercurvy instead of promoting work-outs. ( you are beautiful no matter what , but being obese is serious health risk - especially for working women. )

  • I am not celebrating Pseudo Feminism. Feminism originally was to fight unitedly against all the atrocities on woman by the society. It's to fight against those prejudicial beliefs which directly or indirectly force society to oppress women! It's to talk about consent , freedom & will. What IT'S NOT is equalizing a Man & Woman because Women are far more superior to any men & you are only dragging yourself down trying to be equal , just like it is to compare the fruit with it's flower.

  • I am not celebrating abuse of the laws made for women empowerment by anyone. (Filing fake rape cases , fake dowry cases & even misusing this basic right as a superiority over Men who have done no wrong )

Women from different places , race , color , caste religion , ethnicity etc have different issues to fight with & hence what feminism for you ! may not be the same for me and vice versa. I am not celebrating any woman who acts like the representative of everyone & promotes nudity ( not questioning the choice of fashion though ), shames whole men population - is licentious & shows off contagious toxic superiority at the cost of Real Feminism needed.

I am not celebrating this havoc in name of women empowerment !! Period
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